This week I celebrated getting my driver's license (finally! after one epic fail attempt) by driving to the biggest library branch within 30 miles of my house. I crammed a bag FULL of books, many from my wish list and a few which spontaneously caught by eye. You can see most of them under my UPCOMING REVIEWS heading.
BRIGHTLY WOVEN by Alexandra Bracken
I've heard good things about this one and the cover is beautiful. Seems it's a traditional kind of fantasy... anything to do with witches/wizards and/or dragons, and I'm definitely in!
MADAPPLE by Christina Meldrum
This book was released two years ago and I never got around to buying it despite the rave reviews and intriguing premise... it's about a girl with a very eccentric mother who ends up getting blamed for her mother's death, as I understand it. Lots of people say it's 'weird', but hey, I'm all about weird. Can't wait to give it a shot.
NORTH OF BEAUTIFUL, by Justina Chen Headley
Realistic fiction is a rare find among my library books, but I couldn't resist North of Beautiful. It's a story about a girl who is the very poster child of magazine-beautiful, except for the noticeable birthmark which dawns across her cheek.

The cover is AMAZINGly cool, isn't it? This book is loosely based off the ancient stories of the Amazon women, who were fierce warriors and equestrians, except that it takes place in a colony of women living on an island in the distant future.

Why haven't I gotten around to reading this one before now? I don't really know-- but people have told me that it's brilliant!
THE BODY FINDER, by Kimberly Derting

I've already started this one and, after only one extended Spanish class, I'm nearly halfway through! A serial killer, a realistic romance, a girl with a supernatural and uncanny talent... The Body Finder is brilliant stuff-- positively eerie and very suspenseful.
EVERLOST by Neil Shusterman
I've read a few of Neil Shusterman's books before...they range from pretty good to excellent, and most of them are fairly creepy. Everlost is about a couple of kids who died in a plane crash... and now wander the limbo-like realm of Everlost.

The cover is an eerie one to be sure. This book is fairly new and I haven't heard a lot about it, but most of Amelia Atwater-Rhodes's books turn out to be pretty great.
Have you read any of these books? What do you think-- are they absolutely incredible, or a waste of trees? Let me know if you have any creepy/suspenseful/horror book ideas, because Halloween is coming fast!
The Body Finder is great! I loved that book. I haven't read any of the other ones, but North of Beautiful looks really good! Happy Reading!
I read Madapple. I thought it was very interesting -- not the best book ever, but worth reading. It really hasn't moved off the shelves in my library, though.
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