For those who don't know: I'm Kat, I blog and review fiction-- my typical reads being fantasy, sci-fi-esque, or historical.
This week's featured bloggers are: Bonnie @ Hands and Home and Amber @ Me, My Shelf, and I.
And this week's question is:
Talk about the book that most changed or influenced your life (was it a book that turned you from an average to avid reader, did it help you deal with a particularly difficult situation, does it bring you comfort every time you read it?).
My answer: There have been a lot of books over the years which I've become very much obsessed with, rather for a few short weeks or years and years. In middle school, I was all about Inkheart by Cornelia Funke and reread it about ten times in one year. In high school, I fell in love with the Lord of the Rings series and re-discovered Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. (They were so much better the second time around!)
But the book which really transformed me into a bibliophile was Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling. I know a lot of book-lovers who regard the Harry Potter series as the books they grew up with, and I'm definitely proud to be one of the masses who did. These books have been such a huge part of my childhood, and even now I doubt I will ever discover a book or series which will be as much of a lasting and incredible experience as Harry Potter. I remember being eight and feeling terrified of Sirius Black in the third book (not knowing he was in fact a good guy, of course). I remember going to the midnight book release parties at Books-A-Million and reading the fifth book all through the early morning. I actually get somewhat emotional and nostalgic talking about the Harry Potter books like this... they are so much a part of me, and it's truly amazing how over the decades, they have become beloved by so many people, young and old, around the world. I'd love to hear from some of you who might feel the same way about Harry Potter or other books.
I wish you all happy blog hopping and an awesome weekend,

Yay for Harry Potter!! And I loved Inkheart when I was in middle school!
New follower! =)
I also chose Harry Potter! You can read my story by visiting my FF post =]
Have an amazing weekend!
I jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon a bit late, but love them regardless.
Hi & Happy Friday!
HP is popular this week, I love the movies but am yet to pick up the books.
My FF,
Have a nice weekend.
There is magic in that series. I wrote about it as well.
Here's mine:
GFC Follower :) I would have to agree with all of your choices too! I'm a huge fan of the entire Harry Potter series!
Amanda Welling
Hippies, Beauty, and
Books. Oh My!
I'm in the middle of the Harry Potter series right now. I've finished the first three so far (: They are better than I thought they would be! New Follower (:
-Katie @
Have a great Friday!
I also picked Harry Potter but for a completely different reason.
Here's my HOP for this week.
New Follower!
WIN for Harry Potter, i must have read those books about a million times. And have you seen the movie? I am almost sad it's all over :(
I chose City of Bones, but i would have to say i love HP a tennsy bit more...
Anyways, have an awesome weekend, and feel free to come over and say hi!
Imo :D
LOVE your answer...Harry is pretty much my answer every follow friday...I I had to pranch out a bit this week...
Happy Friday!!!
hey Kat. I love you blog, truly. Can you believe I have all the H.P's and still haven't gotten around to reading them. bad bad bad. anyway, lovely to meet you, FF follower: Kellie Sheridan
Nice to see another Anne Rice fan! :)
I loved reading your post about Harry Potter, brought out lots of nice memories. I've been so tempted to read the series again recently after seeing the last movie.
Happy Friday!
you've written such a lovely tribute to the Harry Potter books. I grew up reading them too. They are fixed feature of my childhood. I was going to choose them as my answer to the FF question but I am always picking Harry Potter and JK Rowling as my answers so I went with something new; The Five People you meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom! Such a wonderful book.
Oh New follower btw! :)
New follower here!
I definitely am with you on HP! Amazing series! I ended up choosing Anne of Green Gables, just because it was one of my first books, but HP was a huge series for me. I almost posted about it!
Hopping through. Definitely Harry. I loved each book although the third book really got me hooked.
My Hop
Hi, Kat!! Happy Friday, and Happy Weekend!!
You know, if I had posted about all the books that heant a great deal to me, and have really influenced my life, I think I would need to do several posts!!
The Harry Potter series, although I didn't include it in my answer to this question, would certainly be among my most treasured!! I really need to go back and finish it, because I had to stop in the middle of Book 6, when Dumbledore...well, you know what happened. I won't give anything away, in consideration of those of your followers who might not have read these books yet.
Another huge favorite is, as you know, The Lord of the Rings. I din't post about this series, either... Geez, I'm feeling kinda guilty now...How could I NOT have included Rowling and Tolkien?
Well, like I said, it's not easy to choose...I might very well start a series of posts dealing with my favorite books.
The ones I picked were "Jane Eyre" and "Twilight". Come take a look!
I'd like to congratulate you on being lucky enough to have had the Harry Potter books as an integral part of your childhood! (Am I turning green yet? Lol!)
I remember pretty clearly where I was when I read each of the HP books, they also played a massive role in my growing up and I've happily passed all my copies to my little sister who's just finishing the Deathly Hallows now!
New follower hopping through, come by whenever :
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