Monday, January 10, 2011

Cover VS Cover: Uglies Trilogy

Cover VS Cover is a new feature I came up with because I love cover memes and I've recently become fascinated with the differences between US/UK, new/old book covers.  This week I'm looking at some old YA favorites which have been repackaged countless times.

The Uglies Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld 

               Original US        VS     New UK          VS         New US

So, what do you guys think?  Myself I'm still a little stuck on the old US covers, since those are the books I have and I love them.  The new US ones are cool, too, though-- very edgy and eerie.  Especially the Uglies one.  I''m not such a fan of the new UK covers-- they don't capture the feel of the books at all for me, though they are very unique.  I left out the old UK covers with the weird doll parts and whatnot, but if you'd like to see those as well, check out Scott Westerfeld's blog.  Let me know what you think, guys.  I'm really excited about this new feature.


  1. New US wins for sure! (in my humble opinion) :)

  2. This one's hard. They're all pretty cool! I think I like the new US best, though with the new UK coming in close second.

  3. For me, the Specials Old US wins, as well as the UK covers. But I may be biased-- I do, after all, get the UK covers. :)

  4. Definitely New US! I have the Old US on my shelf now and wish I had the new ones. :(

  5. I prefer the original covers. The new ones are just a bit odd, plus I have all the first set of covers. ^_^

  6. So interesting how everyone's opinion is different, but most people seem to like the covers they have best. Though I usually have cover envy over UK covers-- grass is always greener, right? :)

  7. I love the original covers, but I'm probably biased because those were the covers when I read the series (and the ones I own). I haven't seen the other ones before though- very interesting! I used to try to make a face by arranging all the spines on this series, haha. :)
